School registers give an overview of students who attended a school. One book usually covers several years. The information in the oldest registers is very brief: we can only learn the name, surname, and the place-of-origin. Newer registers give much more information like place & date of birth, home address, full name & occupation of parents, religion, native language, date of the entrance and the release from the school. Sometimes information about missed days and final grades are included. The information differs from school to school.
School register 1740 (Archive of the City of Brno, Latin language)
This school register from the Jesuit Gymnazium in Brno shows the list of professors, followed by a list of students in the year 1740.School register 1849-1929 (District archive Opava, German language)
This is an entry from the register of elementary school (obecná škola) of Velké Hoštice in Silesia showing personal information about the child & parents, as well as final grades.School register 1899-1934 (District archive Opava, German language)
This is an entry from the register of the elementary school (obecná škola) of Březová.
WHY were they collected? | Evidence of students, along with their grades and record of attendence |
WHEN were they collected? | 16th century to present |
WHO collected the records? | School teachers or administrators |
WHAT information can be found? | Name & surname of student, name of parent or guadian, birth date, house number |
In which ARCHIVES are they held? | District archives, city archives |
In which archive FILES can they be found? | Archives of schools |
LANGUAGE of records | Czech, German, Latin |
What must be KNOWN before getting started? | Name, place of residence and school attended by child (usually the closest school to the residence) |
Czech expression |
Školní matrika (plural = Školní matriky) |
Collections of records sorted on the territorial basis
Collection of records from the whole country in one place
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