The Grundbuchblätter Diverse: Böhmen, Mähren, Schlesien are the basic service sheets for Austrian army personnel from Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. Data shown includes year of birth, place of birth, a personal description, and record of service. In 1820, these basic service sheets replaced the muster rolls as the registers for Austrian military personnel.
Personnel sheets for soldiers born before 1865 are kept in the War Archive in Vienna. Records for soldiers born 1865-1910 and officers born 1865-1905 can be found in the Military History Archive in Prague, although most records for soldiers born 1887-1900 were destroyed. Personnel sheets for soldiers born 1911-1920 are stored in the History Military Archive in Bratislava, Slovakia and records of soldiers born 1921-1974 and officers born 1905-1974 are stored in the Military Archive Central Registry in Trnava, Slovakia. Personal sheets for soldiers who served after 1992 are kept in the AČR (Administrative Archive of the Czech Army) in Olomouc. In 2004, mandatory military service was abolished in the Czech Republic.
The Grundbuchblätter Diverse for soldiers born approximately 1820-1864 were reproduced on 662 rolls of microfilm, which have subsequently been digitized and are available for viewing online. They are divided into two series: Diverse (454 rolls) and Diverse/I (211 rolls). Since there is no rule how to determine if the record is in Diverse or Diverse/I, both series must be searched for each surname. Both series are strictly alphabetical by surname and given name. It's necessary to check for all possible spellings of the names. For example, if your ancestor's name was Jan Sedy, you need to check for Jan, Johann & Joannes and Sedy as well as Schedy and Szedy. Since the Grundbuchblätter Diverse is arranged alphabetically, it's not necessary to know the regiment in which your ancestor served.
Basic service sheets (Military Histrory Archive in Prague, Czech language)
This is an example of a record from the Grundbuchblätter Diverse for Anton Vodička. Anton was conscripted by lottery on 10 March 1905 for 12 years in the k.k. Landwehr Infantry Regiment #29 in České Budějovice. Between 1905 and 1907 he completed the active phase of duty and in 1908, 1910, 1913 and 1914 attended a weapons trainings. He was mobilized on 29 July 1914, just one day after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. During the First World War he was twice decorated with the bronze medal for gallantry in front of the enemy. In addition to information about his military service, it lists his date & place of birth, religious denomination, domicile affillation, and profession.English translation of this record
WHY were they collected? | Personal information about each soldier |
WHEN were they collected? | 1820-2004 (years of birth ca. 1790 - 1986) |
WHO collected the records? | Austrian military regiments |
WHAT information can be found? | Surname, first name, rank, town & country of birth, year of birth, home town, religion, marital status, civilian profession, sometimes personal details such as color of hair, eyes, etc., languages spoken, size, marriage and birth of children, military career |
In which ARCHIVES are they held? |
In which archive FILES can they be found? | Militärische Grundbuchsevidenz (GB) |
LANGUAGE of records | German, Czech |
AVAILABILITY | Well preserved, except years of birth 1887-1900, which were destroyed. |
What must be KNOWN before getting started? | Records are kept in alphabetical order, so the surname, first name, and approximate date of birth is sufficient. |
Czech expression | Soldiers - Vojenský kmenový list (plural = Vojenské kmenové listy), Officers - Kvalifikační list (plural = Vojenské kvalifikační listy). In the 20th century the expression was changed to Evidenční list (plural = Evidenční listy) |
German expression | Grundbücher, Grundbuchsblaetter |
Collection of records from the whole country in one place
FAMILY SEARCH - Personnel sheets for soldiers from Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia born between 1820-1864
Records are sorted alphabetically
FAMILY SEARCH - Personnel sheets for soldiers from Galicia (now Poland and Ukraine)
Records are sorted by regiments
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